Baden Powell Dr Footpath

Baden Powell Drive Footpath

A footpath along Baden Powell Drive is included in the Shire’s Pedestrian Access Strategy. The purpose of this footpath is to provide a link for the residential catchment along Baden Powell Drive from Humphries Road to the Mount Eliza township.

The project is currently in the concept and planning phase and is proposed to be undertaken in two stages

Stage 1:

Design and construction of 2m wide footpath along the northern side of Baden Powell Drive along with 1.5m wide on-road cycling lane on each side of the road between Humphries Road to Erang Drive. A revised concept design has been developed for review.

Download: Baden Powell Footpath – Stage 1 – Revised Concept Design Jan 2024  (PDF, 2MB) [external site]

Stage 2:

Design and construction of 2m wide footpath along Baden Powell Drive (on one side, will be decided during design phase) along with 1.5m wide on-road cycling lane in either direction between Erang Drive to Nepean Highway. A concept design will be uploaded once developed in stage 2.

Please note, no funding has been allocated for this footpath project in 23/24 financial year budget (further details can be found on our Annual Report & Budget page) [external site]. Detailed design for stage 1 has been received for final design revision in January 2024, with MPSC approval expected in early 2024. Construction for Stage 1 and Detailed Design for Stage 2 are subject to funding in future years.

Shire website link:[external site]

[this page was last updated at 6:00 pm on 24 March 2024]

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